NEVINS REAL ESTATE MANAGEMENT 214 South Allen Street, State College, PA 16801 phone (814) 238-3153
Please provide the following information:
If "Yes" please provide their partners information below
Staff of Nevins Real Estate are direct employees of the owner/landlord. By signing this application, the applicant acknowledges that they have been informed by Nevins Real Estate employee’s that they are working on behalf of the owner/landlord.
Applicant understands that security deposit payments received will be cashed immediately. The security deposit will be held in an escrow account until the lease is terminated and the applicant vacates the apartment. Applicant may not apply this deposit towards rent. All units are required to qualify financially and complete the proper paperwork. If the applicant and/or cosigner fail to sign the contract when it is tendered to them and/or provide the proper qualification paperwork requested by Nevins Real Estate, the security deposit may be forfeited, and the apartment may become available for rent again at the discretion of Nevins Real Estate. If an entire unit wishes to cancel a Residential Lease Contract prior to the start date of the lease they will forfeit the security deposit and the apartment will go on the open market. Should the lease commence before the apartment is re-rented, applicant will be held responsible for the terms of the Residential Lease Contract.
I hereby warrant that the information provided on this application is true and correct to the best of my knowledge and give Nevins Real Estate Management permission to obtain my credit report as well as verify any information provided on this application. I also authorize any past or present landlords, employers, or other references to release any facts necessary to verify this information.
If you want a copy for your records, print before submitting.